League History Index | Players | Teams | Managers | Leagues | Leaderboards | Awards | Accomplishments
BC | CAN | CR | COL | DAV | DAY | DUL | EVA | JEC | KEN | LAF | OSH | PB | ROC | SB | SPR
Team Index | Draft History | Starters: Positional - Pitchers | Registers: Batters - Pitchers | Leaders: Batters - Pitchers
Year W L WPct Finish GB Exp Rec Diff Avg ERA BABIP Playoffs Champion Attendance Payroll Balance
2000 64 80 .444 6th 27 73-71 -9 .267 4.53 .288 825,021 $3,876,118 $946,214
2001 66 78 .458 5th 19 66-78 0 .266 4.74 .314 705,906 $4,246,411 $-288,819
2002 61 83 .424 6th 27 61-83 0 .261 5.18 .325 799,739 $4,663,348 $-94,771
2003 78 66 .542 2nd 13 81-63 -3 .290 4.79 .309 X 824,624 $4,621,695 $193,810
2004 75 69 .521 4th 18 76-68 -1 .285 4.68 .307 972,133 $4,040,859 $777,592
2005 76 68 .528 5th 15 76-68 0 .272 4.67 .328 1,027,255 $4,500,706 $1,082,570

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