League History Index | Players | Teams | Managers | Leagues | Leaderboards | Awards | Accomplishments
BC | CAN | CR | COL | DAV | DAY | DUL | EVA | JEC | KEN | LAF | OSH | PB | ROC | SB | SPR
Team Index | Draft History | Starters: Positional - Pitchers | Registers: Batters - Pitchers | Leaders: Batters - Pitchers
Year C 1B 2B 3B SS LF CF RF
1978 76-68 Preston Lineberry Kawilarang Caldwell Harrison Harrington Barnstaple Jackson
1979 79-66 Preston Lineberry Ortíz Caldwell Harrison Boyd Barnstaple Jackson
1980 79-65 Preston Lineberry Ortíz Caldwell Hawkins Moore Boyd Barnstaple
1981 65-79 Preston Lineberry Silver Caldwell Ortíz Moore Reese Moore
1982 93-52 Phillips Lineberry Silver Caldwell Ortíz Reese Boyd Vargas
1983 94-50 Piper Lineberry Silver Caldwell Young Reese Hamm Vargas
1984 80-64 Phillips Lineberry Silver Caldwell Young Reese Hamm Herrera
1985 82-63 Phillips Lineberry Woods Caldwell Young Reese Hamm Herrera
1986 86-58 Phillips Lineberry Woods Caldwell Young Davis Reese Herrera
1987 86-59 Phillips Lineberry Young Woods Martínez Reese Randall Herrera
1988 73-71 Phillips Wilhelm Young Woods Martínez Reese Caine Herrera
1989 67-77 Phillips Wilhelm Young Woods Henderson Smith Randall Herrera
1990 83-61 Workman Wilhelm Woods Newman Shaw Webster Randall Herrera
1991 80-64 Workman Wilhelm Davis Newman Shaw Webster Randall Herrera
1992 73-71 Workman Wilhelm Hunter Newman Shaw Webster Randall Flores
1993 75-69 Williams Wilhelm Davis Newman Shaw Webster Randall Flores
1994 65-79 Morgan Wilhelm Davis Newman Bane MacTier Nash Flores
1995 79-65 McMahon Rivera Davis Newman Kaufman Olson Howell Flores
1996 80-64 McMahon Rivera Davis Newman Fisher Olson Jackson Flores
1997 82-63 Peterson Wilhelm Davis Newman Kaufman Olson Campbell Flores
1998 79-66 Meadows McDaniel Davis Dávila Mena Olson Howell Flores
1999 60-84 Meadows Williams Davis Newman Mena Olson Howell Flores
2000 74-70 Meadows Williams Davis Dávila Pedersen Olson Harris Carstensen
2001 71-73 Bazemore Williams Davis Pedersen Newsome Olson Howell Browne
2002 88-56 Bazemore Williams Davis Pedersen Newsome Olson Howell Browne
2003 73-71 Wagner Briggs Austin Pedersen Makal Olson Howell Murillo
2004 89-55 English Briggs Austin Pedersen Makal Olson Howell Murillo
2005 76-68 Harris Briggs Austin Wright Makal Murillo Shelton Phipps
28 years 13 players 6 players 8 players 6 players 14 players 10 players 12 players 10 players

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