League History Index | Players | Teams | Managers | Leagues | Leaderboards | Awards | Accomplishments
BEN | BLM | DH | GR | GRE | MAD | MAP | MET | MP | PLY | STJ | WAU | WM | WU | WES | WYO
Team Index | Draft History | Starters: Positional - Pitchers | Registers: Batters - Pitchers | Leaders: Batters - Pitchers
Year C 1B 2B 3B SS LF CF RF
1983 42-42 Parsons Parsons Parsons Parsons Parsons Smith Parsons Parsons
1984 41-43 Caine Murphy Callahan Callahan Callahan Caine Caine Parsons
1985 53-31 Hall Murphy Hall Murphy Murphy Parsons Murphy Parsons
1986 38-46 Doyle Hall Fisher Hall Doyle Doyle Doyle Parsons
1987 50-34 Doss Wilhelm Rigsby Schleicher Doyle Doyle Doyle Doss
1988 46-38 Carlson Doyle Doss Carlson Doyle Carlson Carlson Carlson
1989 48-36 Doyle Doyle Fisher Hunter Doyle Doyle Doyle Doyle
1990 44-40 Howell Howell Howell Howell Howell MacTier Howell MacTier
1991 50-34 Combs Combs Combs Combs Combs Howell Howell Combs
1992 44-40 Combs Combs Combs Combs Combs Smith Combs Combs
1993 43-41 Henríguez Combs McCormick Mena McCormick Combs Nash Combs
1994 46-38 Henríguez Henríguez McCormick Mena McCormick Henríguez Henríguez Henríguez
1995 33-51 Cantrell Newton McCormick Newton Mena Carstensen Cantrell Carstensen
1996 47-37 Austin Thomas Austin Chambers Newton Carstensen Harwood Tymm
1997 33-51 Bazemore Newton Chevalier Glover Hodge Poole Harwood Tymm
1998 35-49 Craig Simpson Patterson Fuller Fuller Wilson Case Gardner
1999 32-52 Parker Barber Patterson Orr Makal Wilson Case Gardner
2000 35-49 Craig Barber Taylor Orr Makal Case Farsey Woods
2001 26-40 Johnston King Harrison Maddox Wright Crawford Barber Marshall
19 years 15 players 13 players 14 players 16 players 13 players 15 players 14 players 12 players

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